Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

On my first Mother's Day as a mother, May 2000, I did not have a child. That is, I did not have a living child. Solomon was born and had died a few weeks prior. On this particular day I found myself in the Bahamas, at the luxury resort Atlantis. The scenery was lush and vivid but everything seemed veiled to me. My husband was great, guiding me through the motions of the day, making sure I ate, rested, and took in some of the beach. I felt so out of place. Even though there were no children on our trip, it was a business trip for Eric, I still was disfigured from the pregnancy and birth and felt as if I wanted to die.

Today, 7 years later, is different. The world is awash in color, and I could take in the smell of Alison's hair and notice the red ruddiness of Adam's scraped news.

Happy Mother's Day Solomon.


Kendra said...

Although time heals nothing, you seem to be doing better (based on this post). Mother's day can be difficult for children who have lost their mothers and for mothers who have lost their children. I'm glad you got time to enjoy your children Sunday.

Diana said...

Hello Amy
There are so many mothers of angels out there.
I am sorry to hear you are too, but incredibly happy to hear you also have living children.
I was wondering if you would like to exchange blogs. When you have a second just check on I would love to have more information regarding personal journey's
Look forward to hearing from you