Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Hello, My Friend

There is a woman I know, who calls me about once a week. And I do the same. We have become very good friends, and our kids have enjoyed playdates and visiting. Each time I see her number appear in my caller ID, I pick up and say "Hello My Friend" and she replies in kind. It is such a warm feeling.

Patty and I met at a Reunion Group. We never would have met otherwise. She lost her daughter Hope almost a year before I lost my son Solomon. When we met, I had had my spals daughter. We wouldn't become friends until we found ourselves pregnant again - me with my sspals and her with her spals. We would call ourselves 'the old-timers' at all the reunion groups and the spals groups, because we were always the ones whose losses were in the distant past. When I was on bedrest with my sspals, my husband would drive me to our group meetings. He too enjoyed Patty's company and the three of us got through our sessions.

When I delivered Adam, she was there in the hospital the next day, to visit and to just be there. In fact, she had our group counselor call over to my hospital the morning I was to deliver, to track me down, to see how I was and what I'd had! Seeing her face looking at me and my son, I just knew we would be friends.

It's funny how life goes.


Elizabet said...

It is funny how life goes!
During the traumatic period of losing a child it is almost impossible to look forward to the next hour never mind day and coming years, but obviously time does not stand still however much one may want it to!
Here I am 19 years on with a wonderful husband and step children that I shower with all my love!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy! My name is Monica. I am pregnant after a full term loss (40w3days). I've been blogging myself and came across your blog. Nice. I read your about page and I think we are cosmic twins. OK, I'm a capricorn too, just like Jesus and Elvis, I love the Godfather and Seems Like Old Times ("he's not in the garage eating shicken that's for sure") and Depeche Mode is my absolute fave band on the planet. Anyhoo, just wanted to say I like the blog and if I weren't so dang embarassed by my blog (I'm a newbie), I'd give you the link.
